Saturday, March 31, 2012

March 30

Today I have completed my experiment by completing the last temperature, at 100 degrees it has taken 32s for the berocca to dissolve. With my new found data, I have decided to graph my results and begin immediately on my SRP draft, and will put it on the computer on the weekend. I will be sure to finalise my research so I can write about it in my SRP. In my research I have found that food colouring works when chemicals damage the bond in molecules in the water and and the hydrophobic end attachs to the end of the fats and proteins and hydrofollic disconnects and causes a change in colour. In my research I have also discovered that when heat energy is added to a system, entropy is increased. Entropy is when molecules within a system move faster and spread out, fundermentally the greater the entropy the berocca dissolve faster.

Diagram depicting entropy

March 29

Today I have finally come to doing my experiment, I have completed 4/5 of the experiment today, and hope to finish tomorrow. In my experiment so far, the data I have collected involves; at 22 degress celsius (room temperature) the berocca took 1 minute and 21s, at 40 the berocca took 1 minute and 4s, at 60 the berocca took 54s, at 80 it was 41s. I found most of my experiment worked well, although I had trouble when it had come to human reaction time in regards to recording the time taken for the berocca to dissolve in the beaker and initiating the stopwatch precisely.

set up of my experiment

March 23

I have begun to research further into my project. I have decided to look at various related factors of my experiment, including what chemicals in berocca cause it to dissolve, how things dissolve, states of matter and colour reaction.

Vitamin C (the chemical that casues the 'fizz' in berocca)

Friday, March 30, 2012

March 19

Today I decided to finalise what I was going to do for my SRP. I have decided to change my original research task to 'Do higher temperatures cause berocca to dissolve faster'. As for the independent, it will be changed to the temperaure of the water within the beaker. The dependent variable will now be the time it takes for the berocca to dissolve within the water. The controlled variables will be the beaker used, water, the amount of water (200mL), the amount of berocca used.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

16 March

Today I have decided on my aim of the experiement. The aim is "Which factors cause berocca to dissolve faster". The Independent Variables in this experiment will be the tempreature of the water, the amount of water and the amount of berocca used. The Dependent Variable is the time measured in seconds, for the berocca to dissolve into the water to dilute it. Controlled variables include the type of liquid used and the same beaker used.

Monday, March 12, 2012

12 March

Today I began researching into my project, and gathered insight into what field of science I hoped to do my experiment. I found I want to incorporate time as a measurement in my experiment, and I want to do the field in perhaps fundermental movement, however this may change as I have only comprehended a general idea of what I want to do I will hopefully have more ideas in my next entry.